2022 Winter GAPNA Newsletter Volume 41 Number 4

Larger Metro-Area Nursing Homes More Advanced in Health Information Technology

According to an AHRQ-funded study, bigger nursing homes in metropolitan areas were more likely than smaller ones to have advanced health information technology (IT) capabilities.

The study reported a “health IT maturity” survey on how advanced nursing homes are in their health IT capabilities, use, and integration within resident care, clinical support, and administrative activities. Of the 719 nursing homes in the country that responded to the survey, researchers found the number of certified beds and nursing home location were associated with health IT maturity, while ownership, chain status, and occupancy rate were not.

The authors called for more opportunities for smaller and less advantaged nursing homes to enhance IT adoption.

Alexander, G.L., Liu, J., Powell, K.R., & Stone, P.W. (2022). Examining structural disparities in US nursing homes: National survey of health information technology maturity. JMIR Aging, 5(3), e37482. https://doi.org/10.2196/37482