2021 Summer GAPNA Newsletter Volume 40 Number 2

GAPNA Collection Renamed

By Cynthia J. Gerstenlauer


The Historical Committee is pleased to announce the collection of GAPNA’s archived records, housed at The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry at UVA School of Nursing, has been renamed in honor of Dr. Kathy Fletcher (1951-2019).

Kathy Fletcher

The new name on the center’s link title is, “The Kathy Fletcher Memorial Gerontological Advanced Practice Nursing Association Collection.”

Dr. Fletcher's involvement with GAPNA (then known as the National Conference of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners) began as a conference attendee in 1990. She quickly rose through the ranks, serving as a newsletter columnist, then editor; treasurer; and president 1995-1996.

Dr. Fletcher joined the GAPNA Historical Committee in 1997 and remained an active member for the rest of her life, including 12 years as co-chair. In 2013, the Historical Committee released a monograph highlighting the history of geriatric nursing and the 30-year development of the organization.

Dr. Fletcher spearheaded the gift of GAPNA historical documents and materials to the center in 2014. She was a respected leader and beloved colleague with a lifelong appreciation for learning and a resourceful dedication to innovations in gerontological nursing practice. 

View the renamed collection, which includes an Kathy Fletcher’s bio.

Cynthia J. Gerstenlauer, ANP-BC, GNCS-BC, CDE, CCD