April Chapter Conference Planned
By Monica Dube
The New England Chapter’s new board members have settled in and are hoping to make some big changes despite COVID-19.
Our goals of student scholarship and advancing practice and networking have us reviewing our scholarship requirements and methods, moving forward with our April 2021 live conference, and updating our communications. Hopefully, we can host the conference in person.
Our education committee has been busy planning the April conference and have speakers committed with topics including wound care, pharmacogenetics, and eye diseases in the older adult.
We are planning on an exciting 16-year anniversary celebration of our chapter at our conference. All are welcome.
We hired a marketing consultant to assist in revamping our website and explore social media options to increase membership. We are planning to offer mentorship opportunities for students and new NPs as support during these stressful transitions.
We are planning to schedule some updated member meetings to meet the new board members.
Monica Dube, DNP
Chapter President