Scholarship Available to Attend AANP Health Policy Conference
By Donna Hamby, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC
Each year the Health Affairs Committee provides a scholarship to a GAPNA member serving or would like to serve on the committee and learn more about healthcare policy.
The scholarship provides travel and hotel expenses, including registration fees, to attend the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Health Policy Conference.
The 2022 AANP Health Policy Conference is scheduled for March 6-8 in Washington, DC. This is a great opportunity for nurse practitioners, regardless if you are new to policy or experienced in speaking with legislators and their staffs, to learn and navigate the political environment. Watch for the announcement on applications in the GAPNA Exchange and on the GAPNA website.
The Health Affairs Committee monitors legislative events and activities and keeps the GAPNA Board of Directors and membership apprised of events of potential interest and impact to GAPNA and advanced practice nurses who care for older adults.
The committee engages the membership in responding to requests for action in response to legislative initiatives and preparing briefing papers for grassroots and national efforts. For new members, a mentor in the committee will be available to guide them through the activities.
There are many healthcare bills to monitor at the national and state levels. COVID-19 has contributed to awareness of gaps in services to the geriatric population, especially those in assisted living and nursing facilities.
GAPNA’s Position Statement, “Addressing Nursing Home Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond,” outlines key areas for improvement that affect the provision of care to older adults in long-term care, with a focus on the role of the gerontological advanced practice nurse in this setting.
To stay abreast of all the changes, GAPNA collaborates with other nursing organizations through this committee.
The Health Affairs Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:45 p.m. ET via Zoom. Interested? Want to be informed on policy? Join us.
Donna Hamby, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC