Meet the Lastest GAPNA Rising Star!

From the GAPNA Newsletter - Patti Parker: Educator, Clinician, and Patient Advocate! Patti Parker, PhD, RN, A/GNP, is GAPNA’s Rising Star for Fall 2018. She is Assistant Professor, Clinical Nursing, University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing and Health Innovation (CONHI), and is also a staff member at a dermatology clinical practice in Dallas, TX. She had been a GAPNA member for 5 years.

GAPNA Gives Back In Washington, DC

Every year at our annual conference, GAPNA strives to give back to the local community of older adults in need. This year in Washington, DC we are partnering with Iona, an organization that supports older adults as they experience the challenges and opportunities of aging. GAPNA is choosing to donate toiletry items and gift cards to older adults in need.

Did You Know?

You can experience the 2018 Annual Conference through the added benefits of the GAPNA Online Library! GAPNA is pleased to provide these valuable benefits of the Online Library to full conference attendees...